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Most Commons Problems of Android phones & Their Solutions

Most Commons  Problems of Android phones & Their Solutions

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Most Commons  Problems of Android phones & Their Solutions

Most Commons  Problems of Android phones & Their Solutions In the years of 2007 and 2008, when Google and Andy Rubin were busy breathing life into an idea as an Android phone with their team of researchers and engineers, 

very few people knew that it was a digital revolution Will bring it forward 'Sooner' was the first vision of what an Android phone would be like and was formed in 2006 in association with HTC, and in 2007 T-Mobile collaborated with them as a test partner.

It is now a little over a decade and the man is working with multiple Android phones at a time and has experience gains. Android phones have influenced the way people behave and think. What can be more predominant?

As we all know that everything has a different side. Android phones are also not bereft of this. Let us see what are the common problems of Android phone users and how they can be resolved.

Low battery is usually an annoying problem with Android smartphones. Charging it multiple times a day is not appropriate for an avid phone user as it takes a lot of time to recharge up to 100 percent. 

To increase the battery lifetime of your phone, clear all apps running within the background, close up cellular data or Wi-Fi when not in use, reduce your comfort level by reducing brightness and battery saving Turn on the mode. These small hacks can save you a lot of battery for emergencies and otherwise.

Running slow

It is an undisputed fact that users are at fault here. The slow-moving phone is a reflection of our smartphone habits. The reasons are, too many apps for too little internal storage, too many photos and videos, the existence of app cache and application data, and applications running continuously in the background. 

Just as a person can walk or run faster with a less full stomach than a full stomach, a smartphone will also work faster when it is free of heavy files, apps, and junk. Remove unused apps or try to use lighter versions of them. App cache is a major reason that slows down your phone significantly. Go to Settings> Apps> Clear Cache. Learn more about how to clear app cache and clear app data on Android for fast working phones.

Lose wi-fi connectivity

The Android Wi-Fi sleep policy turns off Wi-Fi connectivity while the phone enters idle or sleep mode. This is not a bad problem as it saves your battery and data consumption but for those who need timely updates and notifications they can easily fix the problem. Go to Advanced Wi-Fi Settings, and select 'Never' to 'Keep Wi-Fi' during sleep.

Low internal storage

Our phone's gallery content quickly crosses the internal memory limit. You do not have to be sad about removing old media content from your phone. Before you erase everything, save them on cloud servers like Drop-Box, Google Photos and Google Drive. It will also help you free up space for new files and secure storage of old ones.

Crashed apps

Some of your apps may suddenly stop working. This is due to a corrupt cache or overload of app data. Delete the cache in the method discussed above to keep operating apps running smoothly. If deleting the app cache does not solve the problem, then back up the app-related content and then delete the app data and reboot your phone. Download and installing the app again from Google Play store.

Some Android phones overheat due to manufacturing or other defects or because of the presence of heavy apps like game apps and Facebook. Try not to use your phone while it is on charge and avoid heavy apps or use lighter versions of them. When it gets too hot, give it a break.

Interrupting Auto Correct Feature

Does your Android Auto interfere with correct word suggestions while writing messages? If you find it annoying, turn it off by going to Settings> Language & Input> Android Keyboard> Auto Repair and tap on 'Off'.

Most Commons  Problems of Android phones & Their Solutions These common Android issues can interfere with the path of seamless mobile governance. Solve them by following the above steps and you will be a happy Android user.

Check out my previous post : Top 10 Android mobile apps. 

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